Rubellite (DBx01-S10)


1 in stock

Rubellite (on Matrix)

Pink to red natural colour, with individual crystals throughout the matrix, which is composed of Feldspar (variant close to Moonstone).
Feldspar / Moonstone lMatrix.

Rubellite is a not-so-common specimen that belongs to the Tourmaline family of minerals (It usually is a Pink Tourmaline). Chemical formula Na(Li,Al)3Al6B3Si6O27 (OH)3(OH,F) with additional traces of manganese.

This Specimen suits the hobbyist and seasoned collectors alike.

Size is closest estimate if specimen is laid against a ruler


Rubellite (on Matrix)

Pink to red natural colour, with individual crystals throughout the matrix, which is composed of Feldspar (variant close to Moonstone).
Feldspar / Moonstone lMatrix.

Rubellite is a not-so-common specimen that belongs to the Tourmaline family of minerals (It usually is a Pink Tourmaline). Chemical formula Na(Li,Al)3Al6B3Si6O27 (OH)3(OH,F) with additional traces of manganese.

This Specimen suits the hobbyist and seasoned collectors alike.

Size is closest estimate if specimen is laid against a ruler

Additional information

Approx Width

46 mm

Approx Height

28 mm

Approx Bredth

34 mm

Approx Weight

49 Grams

Specimen origin

Madagascar Africa

